


名稱: 光纖輸出太陽光模擬器

型號: A1/A4/AX/CX

品牌: 努美科技/Sciencetech

  • 詳細信息


Solar LightLine系列光纖太陽光模擬器是太陽光模擬器行業(yè)的一場革命。借助Solar LightLine,您可以使用標準的4英尺光纖將AAA級太陽光導向任何您想要的地方。太陽光模擬器的經(jīng)典設計要求您將樣品帶到太陽光模擬器?,F(xiàn)在,您可以將太陽光模擬器帶到您的樣品中。


Solar LightLine模擬器標配觸摸屏電源,集成的快門和曝光控制器。多種過濾器選項可滿足您的特定需求。


Solar LightLine具有四個基本型號(A1-300W,A4- 1000W,AX-300W和CX-300W)。每個模型都有多個配置選項。現(xiàn)有AAA級照明的配置選項,**50mm見方,強度高達12Suns。


Solar LightLine可以符合ASTM,IEC和JIS A類太陽光模擬器標準。 Solar LightLine提供許多空氣質(zhì)量過濾器,使您能夠根據(jù)需要自定義儀器。除了光譜匹配濾鏡之外,您還可以添加強度濾鏡和其他光譜濾鏡,例如UV和IR阻擋濾鏡。



? 符合AAA ASTM標準

? 光纖輸出,照明靈活。

? 易于使用的觸摸屏控件

? 可用光強度控制

? PC遠程控制

? 研究人員具有成本效益



? 測試光伏電池性能

? 光化學

? 光生物學

? 測試油漆和織物等的褪色。


ModelPower operationTarget SizeSun Level1Working Distance2Class3Projection Optics
A4-LA125 120/220VAC 25mm x 25mm Up to 4 Suns 125 to 175 mm AAA 0
A4-LA200 120/220VAC 50mm x 50mm 1 Sun 225 to 300 mm AAA 0
A4-C250 120/220VAC Ø12.5mm Up to 12 Suns 125 to 175 mm ACA 0
A1-LA125 120/220VAC 25mm x 25mm 1 Sun 125 to 175 mm AAA 0
A1-C250 120/220VAC Ø12.5mm 4 Suns 125 to 175 mm ACA 0
AX-LA125 120/220VAC 20x20 mm Up to 3 Suns 125 to 175 mm AAA 0
AX-LA200 120/220VAC 46x46 mm 1 Sun 225 to 300 mm AAA 0
CX-C250 120/220VAC Ø12.5mm 9 Suns 125 to 175 mm ACA 0


1、With AM1.5G filter installed

2、Working distance can be customized with different optics but will change target size

3、Tested to ASTM E927-05 standards, other standard testing is available upon request






ASTM Classification AAA ACA
Target Size 25mm x 25mm Ø12.5mm
Sun Level 1 Sun 4 Suns
Working Distance 125 to 175 mm 125 to 175 mm
Wavelength Range 350 - 1800nm (Standard Spectral Match 400 - 1100nm)
Air Mass Filter AM1.0D, AM1.5G, AM1.5D, AM2.0
Collimation Angle 10° Half Angle (depends on selected optics)
Lamp 300W Xenon, 1000h (average) Lifetime, Forced Air Cooling
Shutter Integrated Touchscreen Control, 0 - 10000s, Adjustable Duty Cycle
Fiber Bundle Length 1.22m (4’) Standard
Power Supply Model 601-300
Input Voltage/Current Switchable110-130V / 3A or 220-240V / 1.** Operation
Environment Temperature 10-35 oC, Humidity 20-80%, Avoid Condensation
Dimension (LxWxH) 58.7cm x 20.6cm x 20.8cm
Weight 5kg




ASTM Classification AAA AAA ACA
Target Size 20x20 mm1 46x46 mm1 12.5x12.5mm
Sun Level 3 Suns 1 Sun 9 Suns
Working Distance 125-175 mm 225-300 mm 125-175 mm
Wavelength Range 350 - 1800nm (Standard Spectral Match 400 - 1100nm)
Air Mass Filter AM1.0D, AM1.5G, AM1.5D, AM2.0
Collimation Angle 10° Half Angle (depends on selected optics)
Lamp 300W Xenon, 1000h (average) Lifetime, Forced Air Cooling
Shutter Integrated Touchscreen Control, 0 - 10000s, Adjustable Duty Cycle
Fiber Bundle Length 1.22m (4’) Standard
Power Supply Model 601-300
Input Voltage/Current 110-130V / 3A or 220-240V / 1.**
Environment Temperature 10-35 oC , Humidity 20-80% , Avoid Condensation
Dimension (LxWxH) 76.8cm x 21.6cm x 38.3cm
Weight 20kg

1 Up to 25% larger classified uniform areas available at Class B and C ASTM non-uniformity.



AST Classification AAA AAA ACA
Target Size 25mm x 25mm 50mm x 50mm Ø12.5mm
Sun Level Up to 4 Suns 1 Sun Up to 12 Suns
Working Distance 125 to 175 mm 225 to 300 mm 125 to 175 mm
Wavelength Range 350 - 1800nm (Standard Spectral Match 400 - 1100nm)
Air Mass Filter AM1.0D, AM1.5G, AM1.5D, AM2.0
Collimation Angle 10° Half Angle (depends on selected optics)
Lamp 1000W Xenon, 1000h (average) Lifetime, Forced Air Cooling
Shutter Integrated Touchscreen Control, 0 - 10000s, Adjustable Duty Cycle
Fiber Bundle Length 1.22m (4’) Standard
Power Supply Model 611-1k
Input Voltage/Current 110-130V / 9A or 220-240V / 6A
Environment Temperature 10-35 oC , Humidity 20-80% , Avoid Condensation
Dimension (LxWxH) 76.8cm x 21.6cm x 38.3cm
Weight 20kg



Shutter and Exposure Controller This feature provides an onboard shutter and exposure controller built into the power supply. A standard 2-pin connector is provided on the back of the power supply to connect a Sciencetech solenoid driven shutter mechanism. With this option the power supply firmware provides an interface for programming shutter loops and exposure sequences.
Power Connection for Cooling Fans The power connection for cooling fans feature provides a power pass through connection for the lamp house cooling fans. With this option the lamp housing cooling fans operation is monitored by the lamp house.
Safety Interlock With the safety interlock feature the power supply will turn off, extinguishing the lamp, if the interlock is opened. The interlock wiring can be connected to a mechanical safety interlock such as a magnetic switch or rocker switch on the lamp house.
RS232 Computer Control This feature provides RS232 computer control of the power supply through a DB9 connector mounted on the rear panel of the power supply (Power control 1.1 software and cable are included).
Programmable Remote Temperature Monitor/TM The programmable remote temperature monitor option provides over temperature protection for the lamp house that the power supply is being used with. With this option an RTD or K-type Thermocouple is wired between the lamp house and power supply.
Monitor Output/OC This option provides a male nine pin connector on the rear of the power supply for monitoring the status of the power supply. Parameters that can be monitored: lamp current 0-10V, lamp voltage 0-10V, lamp On/Off (1-5V TTL).
Auto Start Lamp/AS The option provides the capability to automatically start the lamp. This allows the user to set a time for the light source to automatically ignite.


Sciencetech Solar LightLine提供許多過濾選項。 標準的Solar LightLine帶有兩個濾光片插槽。通常為空氣質(zhì)量過濾器保留一個插槽。輔助插槽可以容納其他過濾選項。

FT-75-3 100-8035 Empty FT Style Filter Holder for 75mm Square or Diameter Filters (3mm thick)
MF-34-FT-3 640-9005 75mm Mesh 34% Neutral Density Filter with Holder
MF-49-FT-3 640-9006 75mm Mesh 49% Neutral Density Filter with Holder
MF-71-FT-3 640-9007 75mm Mesh 71% Neutral Density Filter with Holder  
HPF-BB-NIR-FT-3 640-9012 Passes UVA, UVB, and VIS (280-730nm). Blocks NIR (730-1100nm).  
HPF-LP-VIS-FT-3 640-9014 Passes VIS and NIR. Blocks UVA and UVB (<400nm).  
HPF-LP-NIR-FT-3 640-9015 Passes NIR (700-2000 nm). Blocks UVA, UVB, and VIS (<700 nm).  
HPF-BB-VIS-FT-3 640-9016 Passes UVA and UVB (245-400nm). Blocks VIS (400-700nm).  
HPF-LP-UVA-FT-3 640-9017 Passes UVA,VIS, and NIR. Blocks UVB (<320nm)  
HPF-BB-UVB-FT-3 640-9018 Passes UVB, VIS, and NIR. Blocks UVA (320-400nm)  
HPF-BP-VIS-FT-3 640-9019 Passes VIS (400-700nm). Blocks UVA, UVB, and NIR.  
MF-25 640-9013 Set of 25mm Diameter Wire Mesh Filters to Attenuate Solar Level. For use with the &ndash;SFW option.
AM1.0D-FT-3 160-8022 Air Mass AM1.0D (Standard Range)  
AM1.5G-FT-3 160-8024 Air Mass AM1.5G (Standard Range)  
AM1.5D-FT-3 160-8026 Air Mass AM1.5D (Standard Range)  
AM2.0D-FT-3 160-8028 Air Mass AM2.0D (Standard Range)  
WF-1Q 100-8048 Compact IR Water Filter  


SC-12130-9011 A general-purpose sample chamber that can be configured in multiple ways to address a number of application requirements. The SC-12 includes 4 optical ports (on three sides and one on the top) as well as a side door for easy access to the sample area.Three of the side walls feature optical ports with a Sciencetech standard B4 hole pattern as well as removable anodized access panels that can be machined to accommodate most types of feedthroughs, including electrical, liquid and gas.
-PM90100-8060 A stand/fiber holder designed to hold the LightLine optical illumination delivery fiber. Fiber holder position is adjustable for vertical and horizontal illumination and any angle in-between. Includes a sturdy baseplate.
FB-0.5-8670-0103 8 foot optical fiber upgrade to allow for further versatility with the A1, AX/CX and A4 LightLine. Please note that there will be a reduction in the power output with an 8 foot fiber.
-SFW189-9012 6-position computer controlled filter wheel (25 mm diameter filters)
(UV-Glasses-Drk)720-0159 Dark safety glasses

備案號:京ICP備13029673號-1     京公網(wǎng)安備11010802012682

